Many have come to know the wishbone as a symbol of good luck, good fortune and potential. In ancient times, the Romans believed that when two people pulled a wishbone apart, that the person who ended up with the larger portion received good luck or a wish of theirs was granted. In some cultures, wishbones were used to predict the weather and in others they were used to show the future.
Growing up, breaking the wishbone was a special tradition for the children in our family. Everyone wanted to be the person that ended up with the bigger end of the break, in hopes their secret wish would come true. I can still hear the sibling battles for the opportunity to be one of the two who had the honor of breaking the wishbone on Thanksgiving.
Personally, I've always liked the idea of breaking the wishbone and taking your luck into your own hands. You can help shape your destiny and your untapped potential with your own actions.
Simply put -- regardless of the hand you are dealt, you have everything within you to make your wildest dreams come true, and that is my wish for each and everyone of you. Whether you are wearing one of our OG necklaces or a beaded Rainbow, we hope that you feel confident in yourself and in your direction in life, and if not -- make a change, because this is your life to live and you are in charge!